Dallas Neighborhood Guide

Southwest Dallas

Photo By Bud Force
Dallas > Southwest Dallas

Dallas’ version of the Hill Country can be found in this southwestern most sector of the city. From the beautiful Cedar Ridge Preserve to mountain-biking near Mountain Creek Lake to the (highly exclusive, private) Dallas National Golf Club, Southwest Dallas a great place to get outdoors.

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Median Owner-Occupied Home Value


Southwest Dallas Demographics


The 2023 population of Southwest Dallas is estimated to be 128,516.

48.3% of residents are male, 51.7% are female. The median age is 34.7.

48.7% of the Southwest Dallas population are White, 26.4% are Black, 2.8% are Asian, and 12.0% identify as some other race. 22.1% are of Hispanic heritage.

Among adult residents, 5.5% have earned a master's degree, 0.7% have a professional school degree, 0.7% have a doctorate, and 15.2% have a bachelor’s degree.

The number of households is 42316. The average household size is 3.28.

Income & Employment

The median household income is $69,680.

94% of residents are employed and 6% are unemployed. 32302 are not in the labor force.

The average commute time for workers who live in this area is 30 minutes.


68.8% of Southwest Dallas homes are detached, single-family houses. The median owner-occupied home value is $173,797

58% of the homes are owner-occupied. The average length of residence among residents in owner-occupied homes is 18.3 years. The average renter has been in the same home 8 years.

The median year the area’s housing units were built is 1982.


Southwest Dallas includes portions of these police sectors: 430

Throughout those sectors from 2017 to 2023, there were:

Aggravated Assaults (non-family violence) 398
Aggravated Assaults (family violence) 99
Business Burglaries 400
Home Burglaries 427
Motor-Vehicle Burglaries 1598
Auto Thefts 786
Business Robberies 131
Robberies of Individuals 293
Shoplifting Incidents 485
Murders 14

Southwest Dallas Real Estate Snapshot

% Owner-Occupied Housing


Avg. Household Size


Number of Households


Avg. Length of Residency by Owner

18.3 years

Dallas Neighborhoods

Sources: Demographic data pulled from Nielsen SiteReports and represents sampling based on most recent U.S. Census estimates. Crime data provided by local police departments.