Dallas Neighborhood Guide

Pleasant Grove

Dallas > Southeast Dallas > Pleasant Grove

Once an independent town, it clings to its distinctive identity even as the name “Pleasant Grove” is applied by outsiders to the entirety of Southeast Dallas. Longtime residents boast of the strong ties between members of the community and a pervasive spirit of volunteerism that encourages all to help make the neighborhood an even better place.

What the Locals Say About Pleasant Grove

Locals Love

The neighborhood’s multicultural harmony, low-cost housing, and easy access to all parts of the city via highways and DART light-rail.

Locals Complain

There are too many businesses of certain types: car lots, payday loan stores, and insurance companies.

Fun Fact

In 1937, the local youth took pride in their community, and just like a school adopts a mascot, they decided they would as well. They fancied themselves a force to be reckoned with and adopted the strong, fearsome moniker “Grove Rats.”

Explore Pleasant Grove

Neighborhoods of Pleasant Grove

Why I Love Pleasant Grove

By Norma Davis

Read The Story



Median Owner-Occupied Home Value


Pleasant Grove Demographics


The 2023 population of Pleasant Grove is estimated to be 60,490.

50.2% of residents are male, 49.8% are female. The median age is 29.8.

59.9% of the Pleasant Grove population are White, 14.7% are Black, 0.3% are Asian, and 8.0% identify as some other race. 25.0% are of Hispanic heritage.

Among adult residents, 0.9% have earned a master's degree, 0.1% have a professional school degree, 0.0% have a doctorate, and 2.9% have a bachelor’s degree.

The number of households is 16955. The average household size is 3.72.

Income & Employment

The median household income is $50,803.

97% of residents are employed and 3% are unemployed. 17150 are not in the labor force.

The average commute time for workers who live in this area is 35 minutes.


84.9% of Pleasant Grove homes are detached, single-family houses. The median owner-occupied home value is $112,583

65% of the homes are owner-occupied. The average length of residence among residents in owner-occupied homes is 18.9 years. The average renter has been in the same home 8.5 years.

The median year the area’s housing units were built is 1966.


Pleasant Grove includes portions of these police beats: 331, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338,

Throughout those beats from 2017 to 2023, there were:

Aggravated Assaults (non-family violence) 719
Aggravated Assaults (family violence) 90
Business Burglaries 696
Home Burglaries 620
Motor-Vehicle Burglaries 1276
Auto Thefts 547
Business Robberies 244
Robberies of Individuals 502
Shoplifting Incidents 238
Murders 18

Pleasant Grove Real Estate Snapshot

% Owner-Occupied Housing


Avg. Household Size


Number of Households


Avg. Length of Residency by Owner

18.9 years

Dallas Neighborhoods

Sources: Demographic data pulled from Nielsen SiteReports and represents sampling based on most recent U.S. Census estimates. Crime data provided by local police departments.